Who Are we?

We’re Hayley and Brad; two 26 year olds who are travelling around Australia full-time in our caravan. We left our home on the Gold Coast in 2022 with the plan of travelling Australia for the next few years. We love documenting our travels along the way, so if you’re interested in following along this wild ride, you can watch our YouTube videos here or see our highlights on Instagram and Facebook. So what led us to embark on this crazy adventure and a whole new way of living life?

During 2018, we came up with the crazy idea to pack up our lives and do a big lap of Australia. At first, we intended for it to just be a one year trip. We’d save up enough money to buy a setup and a year’s worth of living expenses, put our belongings in storage, then sell our rig on our return home and go back to normal life. 

It was about a year and a half after this idea was first conceived that we began seriously planning our trip. We were doing a pretty good job saving and saw that our dream could actually become a reality. We began looking more closely at our timelines and set a goal to do the trip in 2022 or 2023. In early 2020, we visited our first caravan expo and realised just how much there was to learn! 

We’ve always valued a balanced approach to pretty much everything in life (work, fun, money) so whilst we needed to sacrifice and save for our trip, we didn’t want to look back on our early 20’s and realise we had no exciting memories because we were too busy saving. That brought us to the purchase of a tent. What better way to have lots of little holidays without spending a lot of money?! We spent the next two years saving money, planning our trip of Australia and camping locally in our tent while we waited. During this time, we began building the Our Australia Trip platform to share our little camping adventures, insights into our big lap preparation and all the tips we were learning from others along the way. 

We also slowly realised that just one year was not going to be enough time for us to see everything we wanted to see in this great country. Also, the more time we spent following along the journey of other travellers, the more we started to realise how possible it was to make this more of a long-term adventure. Our initial plan for a one year big lap was now transforming into the idea of packing up our lives and travelling Australia indefinitely. 

2021 was a big year for us. We started the year off by purchasing our tow vehicle: a Toyota SR Hilux. Having a 4WD took our local camping adventures to a whole new level and we spent so much time decking her out for full-time travel. Later in the year, our idea for the type of caravan we wanted changed and we found our dream buy: a 2016 Kedron XC3 caravan that had been meticulously looked after by its previous owners. This purchase unfortunately meant that we needed to sell the Hilux and upgrade to a tow vehicle with higher weight limits. After a bit of stress, lots of research and a tonne of calculations on caravan tow weights, we found ourselves to be the owners of a 79 Series Landcruiser. We wrote about our journey with upgrading vehicles and caravan tow weights here. So now we had our full-time set up complete, we’d set a date for when we’d start our trip (mid 2022), oh and we also finally got married, after falling victim to 3 cancelled covid weddings.

So that brings us to where we are now: travelling Australia full-time. After 4 years of planning, saving and dreaming, we got here and are now living out our dream. 

Thanks for taking the time to get to know us and hopefully we've inspired you to get out there whether it be weekends in your tent or full time in a caravan!